Monday, August 27, 2007

I need a life line for my life.

Back from the wilds of North Central Wisconsin. Vaca was emotionally and physically exhausting...though darn pretty. Loons are cool. So is boating. So are secluded lakes and country roads.

Sometimes there can be too much togetherness with the extended fam though. The inlaws were once again gems. It was truly enjoyable spending more time with them and seeing what joy they take in the kids. Others were a tad more challenging and I unfortunately overheard an undeserved savaging of myself. What fun. Will leave it at that.

Did manage to some home a few pounds lighter. Ah, the power of hiking.

Did get some socks done.

The Simply Lovely Lace Socks, redux:

Love them.

The Funfetti Sock (slip stitch crochet) #1:

Love it. May never need to looks for another crochet sock pattern, it's that Cascade Fixation anyway.

Frankly seem to be hitting the sock wall. or it could be that my head feels like it's going to explode any minute and falling into a good book is so much easier.

Feel like I've jumped into the center of a storm. Came home drag down tired to a leaking pipe, parents that need to move in 2 weeks and a dearth of school supplies to buy. My poor birthday is going to be over run not only by Labor Day weekend this year, but hoards of packing and heavy lifting and likely tears and emotions running amok. Just what I wanted.

It's going to be a loooooong 2 weeks.


Robin said...

Sounds like you had fun, but are glad to be back! I don't know if you saw my blog yet, but I'm going up there this Friday!

tekopp said...

Shit, I'm getting anxious just reading about your stress... I want to say that you at least have finished some pretty socks. But I don't know if that helps :/

Nice to hear that your back anyway:)

Jeani said...

Love the Funfetti sock! How many balls of Fixation did they take?

Dawn said...

I feel like I'm in the twilight zone telling you it took only one ball for the whole can that be??? Don't know, but there it is. One tiny ball of Fixation = one crocheted slip stitch sock.

And it's veeeeery comfy. Once I get life together again I shall whip up the second post haste with great delight.