This actually came last make that before Thanksgiving? Oye. Week o' sick kid and I can't remember anything! Anyway, it be my L&V MB Winter Warmer Swap loot from Tikabelle of Dye Trying. SWOON! She dyed yarn just for ME!!!! And sent me her favorite novel and teas! Squeeeeeeeeal! Tikabelle rocks the swappiness! Thanks and kisses and hugs! (no pictures of the package I sent off to the UK...sorry, but I was in a frenzy to get it out. They are getsing sunshiny bright Tofutsies, some of MY fave teas, the holiday and winter IK issues and some chocolate yummies. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.)
Now dear readers, you don't know cause I haven't told you...I was flaked on in another swap. At least it appears that way. Perhaps life got rough. Things do happen, but I cannot know of them or be all understanding or patient if I am not told of them. If I am told "things are on their way, then oops, not, but they're on their way now...or I mean now...or actually someone else was supposed to mail that, I'll check on it and get back to you"...well, when it's that I am not so nice. But I try to hold it in. I ask polite questions....and I alert the authorities...who in this case were on top of things. SO on top of things in fact that just when I lost all hope, I found a surprise package on my doorstep today:
And various other sundry spooky things. Plastic spider rings. Pumpkin Peeps. Stickers and notepads and TATOOS!
And white thinks snow ghosts be in order. :)
...and as if that isn't enough for one day, my Interweave Crochet Winter came too.
Whee-hee, I'm all bright and shiny inside!
I am so glad you liked it hon! But that isn't white... its glow in the dark Fimo. ::grin::
HUGS and many smooches!
Great loot! Looks like it was worth the wait ~ Hooray for Wierdlings!
Yay! Dawn is back, back, back! And, evidentally, the Patron Saint of Podcasting Care Packages - way to go on the goodies for Heather. Does Yogi Tea just rock or what? I too prefer it to Traditional Medicinals, and more of it is organic, and just darn balanced, thank you. Hope you had happy turkey times.
And can I have your snailmail address sometime? There are books, somewhere out there, yelling "Send me to Dawn!"....
Evidently, I mean - I'm blushing here in cyberspace....
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