Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Awash in goo...

It's official, cold and flu season has hit.

Yep, the baby has turned into one huge goo factory and is generously spreading the my hair, my shirt, my glasses, every relatively stationary surface in the house...OK, and the dogs too. They're not so stationary...or then again, at 10 and 11 maybe they are. Poor patient pups, they'll endure anything for a pat.

Send the disinfectant. Roll out the emergen-C. It's going to be a loooooooong winter.


Unknown said...

I've always maintained that small children are little biological weapons!

nuttnbunny said...

Mon and Tues Z stayed home (with me, of course). 102 fever, sore throat, confirmed ear infection. Let the antibiotics begin...